
Oh look honey, another Applebee's!

I hate suburbia.

There are alot of things I don't like about society- even some things that I hate. There are plenty of nuances about the modern way of life that can sucessfully prod me into eye-rolling and colorful mutterings, but suburbia seems to grate upon my very soul more than anything else I may be at loathe to witness.

And you know why? Because I live in the very definition of suburbia.

Oh sure... I say that I am from the quirky, diverse, traffic-clogged streets of Atlanta, Georgia, but, in fact, I am still stuck in the family home in a large, rapidly growing suburb about 30 miles away from the city. It is complete with a healthy population of soccer moms, Bible-thumpers, Rednecks, and all-around clueless people who live in their own little microcosms of Wal-Marts and McDonald's.

Nay, I do not deny the abundant resons for why the suburbs are an ideal place to breed (For some people anyways, but not for this chick), but that does not divert my loathings about the cultural cess-pool that can invariably describe many (If not all) of the suburban towns.

Maybe my reason of hatred for the suburban lifestyle is that I feel astoundingly out of place. I am an extremely curious and spontaneous person. I'm constantly hunting for new things to try and learn; an activity, it seems, that the suburbs just doesn't seem to be fit for.

There are three things to do in the suburbs (For the most part): go to the movies, go to someone else's house, go to Target/Wal-Mart (Target is perferred with the younger, hipper crowd). If you want to have a really good time, you get rip-roaring drunk at a friend's house and throw up in their shower or something less easier to clean. And heaven forbid you'd ever want to eat out. You have almost too many choices; the O'Charley's that you've eaten at so many times that you know basically the whole menu, or the Ruby Tuseday that you don't go to so much, but has the exact same menu? The Taco Mac in Neighboring Suburban Town A or the Taco Mac in Neighboring Suburban Town B? Corporate chains lord over the suburbanites' lives and squashes their choices down to Mexican or Chinese buffet? Burgers or Chicken sandwhiches?

That's not the worst. I mean, certainly you have your odd small chain restaraunts, and even your nicer ones in the more Upscale Suburbia, so you're not completly supressed.

You know it's getting pretty ridiculous when you drive down one street and see two of the exact same shopping malls within 6 miles distance of each other and the only difference between them is that they both have different addresses and the architecture is more upscale than the other.

But, all of that is pretty trvial when you compare urbanites with SUBurbanites.

Urbanites tend to be pretty free-thinking and intellectual. There's a high population of artists and poets and all the manner.

SUBurbanites, especially in the South, tend to be God-Fearing Baptist breeders. Now, that's okay. The point of this post is not to critisize anyone's way of life here, but the WORST thing about suburbia is not the Jesus-troopers, but the simply astonishing abundance of stupidity, ignorance, shallowness and narrow-mindedness within a marjority of suburbanite society. I'm not sure if I have the proper mind to conjure up examples to illustrate just how shallow some of these people can be. I am sure that there is no shortage of urban-dwellers with similar mind sets, however they aren't in quite a surplus as in suburbia.

Let's contrast and compare for a second.

My two older siblings live in East Atlanta, an area of Atlanta that is and has been under going a reformation of sorts. There's an area there called East Atlanta Village with all the manner of privately own restaraunts, coffee shops, book stores, music stores and tattoo parlors. Each is quirky and different as the people who run them. Everyone is extremly friendly (You would think people would be nicer in the suburbs, but it's not the case) and there is so much to do there. There is much more a sense of community there than any suburban community. It's all very hard to explain, but when you go from the same-old, same-old of the suburban divided highways to the vibrant, diverse two-lane streets of an urban neighborhood it's like a chold slap to the face. These people don't know the meaning of the word "stagnation" that I have become begrudgingly familiar with. Nothing is ever the same and the choices of hang-outs, eats, and shopping is staggering.

East Atlanta is prime area... you can go to Decatur for the day or go to Candler Park. You can choose to visit the faux-bohemia of Little Five or the more up-scale shops of the Highlands and Ponce. It's fucking incrediable. Not only that, but the simple fact that you are surrounded by so many different people everyday. Tattoos and pericings are almost compulsary, doing weird shit is completly accepted.

And nothing gets me more is when I return from a visit with my brother and/or sister and I can't help but marvel at the diffrences. 65% of the cars you see on the road are gas-guzzling child-toting SUVs or mini vans with little Jesus fish on the back, sometimes with a complimentary "W'04" sticker. Compare that with little Volkswagon coups littered with anti-war stickers, F W banners and Apple Computer decals and you have an almost dizzingly stark contrast between the two wholly different worlds.

I mean... every construction project in this town either goes toward yet another strip mall or another development of nearly identical "rip-chord" houses spaced exactly 3 1/2 feet from each other. The only one that is remotely unique is a deveopment of housing that is fashioned after city-style apartments and townhomes.

In my keen observations, it just seems like the marjority of Suburbanites, adults and adolescents alike, seem to be in a vaccum of these chain stores and cultural nothingness. It almost frightens me when I think of all the people who don't even know about the... interestingness of the city. They are completly content with going to Applebee's everytime they want to eat. Of being culturally ignorant and suffocated.

But, hey, I'm a city girl at heart, so what the hell do I know? I'm sure there's suburbanites who critisize the city-dwellers for partying too hard or for being too wild and unconventional. It's all up for interepretation. The whole world is all interpretation.

And this is mine.

Welcome to the blog.


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